The man of your dreams popped the question. You said yes. Hooray! You’re engaged! If you’re like thousands of lucky girls who got an engagement ring during the last holiday season, you may be wondering how to keep your precious bauble safe and sparkly forever. Well, we’ve got good news for you, my friend! Jewelers Mutual Insurance Group, the experts at protecting jewelry, gave us the scoop on the best and easiest ways to protect and care for your engagement rings (and the rest of your jewelry) and we are so nice, that we’re sharing this useful info with you today!

How to clean your Engagement Ring
While it is highly recommended that you visit your jeweler for a professional cleaning and inspection twice a year, Jewelers Mutual® offers an easy homemade jewelry cleaner that you can use to keep your engagement ring clean and shiny in between those professional cleanings. Here are the steps:
- Mix Dawn dish detergent and warm water in a bowl
- With a new, baby-size, soft toothbrush gently scrub your jewelry
- Dry with paper towel or regular cloth, being careful not to snag prongs

How to Care For your Engagement Ring
RESIZE IT: While showing new bling off to friends and family is a fun and important rite of passage, getting the ring fitted specifically for you is a must. You don’t want to lose it… do you?!
REMOVE IT: To avoid your ring or any other piece of jewelry from slipping off, remove it before swimming, exercising, applying sunscreen and bug spray, gardening, and cooking with hands. And of course, the best way to care for your ring from all these potential complications is to make sure you’re insured with Jewelers Mutual.
WHILE TRAVELING: After the biggest occasion in your life, your wedding day, it’s time for you and your honey to spend some quality time alone in a super romantic destination. Yep, it is honeymoon time! But while you’re packing your new swimsuit and favorite sunglasses don’t forget about protecting your jewelry, especially your precious wedding rings. Follow these tips from Jewelers Mutual and travel worry-free.
- Wear jewelry or pack in a carry-on, never check it
- Handle your carry-on yourself
- Use the hotel safe rather than the room safe
- In the worst-case scenario, would your rings be protected? Make sure it’s properly insured for the full current value, with a policy that extends worldwide.
How to Protect your Engagement Ring
The best way to protect your engagement ring and all your bridal jewelry is to insure it! This is one of the first things we suggest doing after getting engaged. You can do it through your homeowners, although many policies limit basic coverage and often don’t cover things like mysterious disappearance, so stay informed. Or you could use the experts at Jewelers Mutual.
With 100 years of experience in the jewelry industry, they’re the best choice for keeping your ring protected. They strive to replace your ring with the same kind and quality and encourage you to work with jeweler of your choice when getting your piece repaired or replaced. To give you peace of mind, Jewelers Mutual’s policy has world-wide coverage and they protect your ring against pretty much everything, from loss and theft to damage and mysterious disappearance (where you simply can’t pinpoint what happened- but your ring is gone).
Our friends at Jewelers Mutual, who understand what your ring means to you, offer a quick and easy quote and if you like what you see you can apply online. In a few minutes, you can protect all your jewelry against pretty much everything, from loss and theft to damage and mysterious disappearance. So there are no excuses. Click here and get peace of mind now.
It’s More Than a Ring – Insure its True Value!